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We are transforming communities one life at a time. 

We are transforming communities one life at a time. 

We are transforming communities one life at a time. 

We are transforming communities one life at a time. 

We are transforming communities one life at a time. 

We are transforming communities one life at a time. 

The Sopema Cares foundation is our corporate social investment which aims to bring about a positive change in all the communities that we serve.

The initiative was founded by the company Directors Monageng Legae and Tselane Legae with a vision to give back to those in need. Sopema Cares looks after the underprivileged through various programs including food drives, providing blankets for the elderly, sanitary towels for young women  and as well as partnering with community initiatives for sports and recreation initiatives.

Sopema Cares is dedicated to making a positive impact and will continue to do so as empathy is a value that is at the core of the company’s vision.

Sopema Cares focuses on the following social upliftment programs:

  • Assisting underprivileged families with basic needs such as food.
  • Youth programs include providing basic necessities such as sanitary towels, and soon we will be offering free computer lessons to underprivileged high school students.
  • Caring for the elderly through the blanket donation program.

Many families have taken a hard knock due to the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent effect on the economy. Sopema Cares stepped up together with G.I.F.T and partnered to be a helping hand for those in need.

100 families in Soweto received food parcels and hand sanitisers. We trust that this initiative will bring relief and hope to the families. The groceries were delivered to underprivileged families over two day in the month of May.

This initiative has afforded the foundation an opportunity to give back to the communities that we serve and provide much needed relief. We look forward to conducting more programs that will better the lives of families and individuals around us.


Grocery Donation Initiative

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